Mesoscopic Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Development of Models and Computational Strategies for Complex Structural Bioinformatics Problems

January 2019 - January 2022

There is a wide range of unanswered scientific questions which cannot be answered neither by experiments nor by classical modeling and simulation approaches. One question is how to consider microscopic and macroscopic effects in one model. On the one hand, available microscopic approaches (Molecular Dynamics (MD) type) are precise but computational too complex for large or multi-scale problems. On the other hand, several macroscopic methods (Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) type) cannot show crucial microscopic effects. Therefore, a mesoscopic scale model is required that closes this gap. For such a Mesoscopic Molecular Dynamics (MMD) model, we propose to take advantage of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), a modern CFD method, and state-of-the-art MD methods in order to combine both. This MMD model resolves certain microscopic effects important for the considered macroscopic application. In this project, two complementary academic expert groups from Brazil and Germany join together in order to provide an interdisciplinary research and academic education in the fields of mathematics, computer science, biology, chemistry and engineering to PhD students as well as to researchers.


Graduate Students/Collaborators

Study Missions

Germany IANM, KIT, Germany
Brazil INF, UFRGS, Brazil
Ph.D Candidate - Nicolas Hafen December, 2021 - November, 2021
Ph.D Candidate - Adrian Kummerländer December, 2021 - November, 2021
Ph.D Candidate - Dennis Teutscher December, 2021 - November, 2021
Bachelor Student - Timo Weckerle December, 2021 - November, 2021
Germany IANM, KIT, Germany
Brazil INF, UFRGS, Brazil
Ph.D Candidate - Stephan Simonis December, 2019 - November, 2019
Ph.D. Candidate - Robin Trunk December, 2019 - November, 2019
M.Sc. Candidate - Jonathan Jeppener December, 2019 - November, 2019
M.Sc. Candidate - Adrian Kummerländer December, 2019 - November, 2019
Brazil INF, UFRGS, Brazil
Germany IANM, KIT, Germany
Ph.D. Candidate - Bruno Iochins Grisci August, 2020 - September, 2019
Ph.D. Candidate - Pedro Henrique Narloch August, 2020 - September, 2019

Work Missions

Germany IANM, KIT, Germany
Brazil INF, UFRGS, Brazil
Dr. Mathias J. Krause December, 2021
Brazil INF, UFRGS, Brazil
Germany IANM, KIT, Germany
Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn November, 2021
Brazil INF, UFRGS, Brazil
Germany IANM, KIT, Germany
Brazil INF, UFRGS, Brazil
Germany IANM, KIT, Germany
Prof. Dr. Hugo Verli August, 2019
Germany IANM, KIT, Germany
Brazil INF, UFRGS, Brazil
Dr. Mathias J. Krause December, 2019

PROBRAL Workshops

2019 - Workshop Lattice Boltzmann Methods with OpenLB Software Lab

Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

On December 10 and 11, 2019, we held the workshop "Lattice Boltzmann Methods with OpenLB Software Lab" at the Instituto de Informática from the UFRGS. The workshop was organized by the Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Lab (SBCBLAB/INF/UFRGS - Brazil) and the Lattice Boltzmann Research Group (LBRG/IANM//KIT - Germany). We were happy to host 35 participants, including five speakers from LBRG (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany).

PROBRAL Meetings / Presentations

2019 - First Meeting

Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn, Prof. Dr. Hugo Verli, Dr. Mathias J. Krause, Bruno Iochins Grisci, Pedro Henrique Narloch, Stephan Simonis, Robin Trunk
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics, KIT
September 20, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

1st Presentation of Brazilian research to the LBRG

Objective: In this meeting of the Lattice Boltzmann Research Group from KIT, the Ph.D. Candidate Bruno Iochins Grisci presented his current work to the German researchers.
Dr. Mathias J. Krause, Bruno Iochins Grisci, Pedro Henrique Narloch, Stephan Simonis, Robin Trunk
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics, KIT
October 17, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

2nd Presentation of Brazilian research to the LBRG

Objective: In this meeting of the Lattice Boltzmann Research Group from KIT, the Ph.D. Candidate Pedro Henrique Narloch presented his current work to the German researchers.
Dr. Mathias J. Krause, Bruno Iochins Grisci, Pedro Henrique Narloch, Stephan Simonis, Robin Trunk
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics, KIT
November 7, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

2019 - Second meeting

Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn, Dr. Mathias J. Krause, Prof. Dr. Ana Bazzan
Institute of Informatics, UFRGS
December 3, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

2019 - Third meeting

Prof. Dr. Hugo Verli, Dr. Mathias J. Krause
Center for Biotechnology, UFRGS
December 5, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

2021 - Fourth Meeting

Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn, Dr. Mathias J. Krause, Dr. Manuel Escalona, PhD(c) Adrian Kummerländer, PhD(c) Candidate Dennis Teutscher
Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics 2, KIT, Germany
November 17, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

2021 - Fifth Meeting

Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn, Dr. Mathias J. Krause, Dr. Pedro H. Narloch, PhD(c) Bruno I. Grisci, PhD(c) Adrian Kummerländer, PhD(c) Dennis Teutscher, PhD(c) Nicolas Hafen, BSc(c) Timo Weckerle
Cambará Eco Hotel, Centro de Eventos Araucária, Brazil
December 7, 2021 - 12:00 (BRT)

Participation in Events

International workshop on data-driven modeling and optimization in fluid mechanics

Prof. Dr. Márcio Dorn, Prof. Dr. Hugo Verli, Dr. Mathias J. Krause, Bruno Iochins Grisci, Pedro Henrique Narloch, Stephan Simonis
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics, KIT
September 16, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

This workshop showcased the application of machine learning, evolutionary algorithms, and adjoint-based optimization to fluid dynamics-related problems with special focus on turbulent flows and flow control

7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Bruno Iochins Grisci
University of Heidelberg
September 22, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

The Ph.D. Candidate Bruno Iochins Grisci was among the 200 young math and Computer Science researchers worldwide invited to attend the Heidelberg Laureate Forum. The event brings together the young researchers with winners of the Abel Award and Field Medalist (math), ACM AM Turing Award and ACM Computing (Computer Science) Award and Nevanlinna Award (Information Science) in Heidelberg, Germany. The focus of the forum is to promote and advance research in these areas, but also to enable contact and exchange of experiences between researchers. For example, the event can balance technical lectures, workshops, and visits to research institutions and local businesses with social activities, dinners, and discussions geared toward interaction among participants. Bruno Grisci was also invited to present his current research, titled "Ranking Relevances from Neural Networks for the Selection of Biological Features.

Photos | Presentation Video

International Days "Karlsruhe and the World

Bruno Iochins Grisci
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
September 9, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

Organized by the International Affairs Business Unit (INTL), the International Days offered an extensive program of presentations and workshops, cultural contributions, and an exhibition. The program also covered presentations on international scientific and international activities and relations of KIT, as well as the Humboldt-Lightning-Talks, in which Humboldt fellows presented their current research.

The 19th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and BioEngineering

Pedro Henrique Narloch
Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens - Greece
October 28, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

Pedro had a paper published in the 19th annual IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE). BIBE aims at building synergy between Bioinformatics and Bioengineering/Biomedical, two complementary disciplines that hold great promise for the advancement of research and development in complex medical and biological systems, agriculture, environment, public health, drug design.

X-Meeting 2019 - Dissertation Award

Bruno Iochins Grisci
Campos do Jordão - Brazil (webconference)
October 30, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

The Ph.D. Candidate Bruno Iochins Grisci was invited to remotely present his Master Dissertation in the category “Dissertation Award” on the X-Meeting 2019. The work, titled "N3O: A NEAT expansion for improving classification and feature selection applied to microarray data", was featured in the top 3 best dissertation in Bioinformatics by the Associação Brasileira de Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional (AB3C).

21st EMBL PhD Symposium: Facing the Future: Challenges and Perspectives in Life Sciences in the 21st Century

Bruno Iochins Grisci
EMBL Heidelberg
November 28, 2019 - 12:00 (BRT)

The Ph.D, Candidate Bruno Iochins Grisci was among the participants of the PhD Symposium, organized by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. The event discusses environmental and global health issues, highlight interdisciplinary approaches as physics and informatics in biology, present innovations in life sciences and raise awareness of the challenges within the scientific community including big data, open access and gender equality. Bruno Grisci was also invited to present his current research, titled "Selection of Biological Features by Ranking the Relevances of Neural Networks Inputs".

MathSEE course on Machine Learning

Bruno Iochins Grisci
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
February 19, 2020 - 12:00 (BRT)

The Ph.D, Candidate Bruno Iochins Grisci was among the participants of the MathSEE course of Machine Learning.


Institutions/Financial Support

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